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This form must be submitted by November 22, 2024

2024 General Rules

General Rules

Each participant in the parade must comply with the following rules. Should any participant refuse to comply, your entry may be removed from the parade and your group may not be invited to participate in future events. It is the responsibility of the Entry Coordinator to ensure that all participants within their group is aware of the general rules.

Rules & Agreement

Please indicate your agreement to the following Parade Rules by checking the "I Agree" option.
The Parade Entry Form, General Rules and Entry Fee must be submitted by their group representative by November 22, 2024 to be eligible.(Required)
Entry SCRIPT/PARADE ENTRY INFORMATION for our announcers to read must be submitted no later than November 22, 2024.(Required)
No objects may be thrown, sprayed or distributed along the parade route. This means no candy, silly string, or handouts of any kind. NO EXCEPTIONS.(Required)
Each Entry is required to follow all CDC COVID related guidelines that are in place at the time of the parade.(Required)
No Santa Claus imitations permitted.(Required)
Entries will receive confirmation with all assembly, disband, and parking instructions no later than December 1.(Required)
One representative from your entry must sign in at check-in prior to 5:30pm on the day of the parade or will risk not being able to participate. All others in the group are to meet at their staging area and must be in formation 30 minutes prior to the start of the parade. The parade order is at the discretion of parade officials.(Required)
Please maintain 20 feet between your entry and the one in front of you to ensure the pace of the parade.(Required)
No smoking or alcoholic beverages on any parade entry at any time.(Required)
The entry coordinator must agree, sign and share with those in their group the “General Rules”.(Required)
The Parade Officials reserves the right to refuse or remove any entry, which, in their opinion, does not conform to parade rules.(Required)
Type your Signature to Agree to the statement below(Required)
I, the entry coordinator, acknowledge and agree to follow the above rules. I take responsibility for making sure all participants in my entry are aware of the “General Rules” and will sign a hard copy or the electronic version of the “Hold Harmless Agreement & Waiver”.
MM slash DD slash YYYY