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This form must be submitted by November 22, 2024

2024 Entry Form

Entry Coordinator Name(Required)
Organization Mailing Address(Required)

Payment Details

2024 Entry Fee
General Entry: $45.00
501c3 Non Profit / School: $30.00
School Bands: FREE

Your Entry Fee must be received in order for your Entry to be processed.

How will you provide payment?(Required)
Your Entry cannot be processed until payment is received. To pay now, please use the link above (no PayPal account required).

Entry Details

Type of Entry(Required)

Is there a vehicle in your Entry?(Required)
Type of vehicle (Select all that apply)
Will there be music?(Required)
Type your Signature to Agree to the Liability Release(Required)
Liability Release: I hereby certify that the entry named above is eligible to be entered into this event. I hereby release and hold harmless the Goleta Holiday Parade, the Goleta Lions Club and its officers and the City of Goleta on whose grounds this event is being held, from any loss, damage, or injury resulting from participation in the above entry at this event.
MM slash DD slash YYYY